Contreras, Jazmine, and Barr, Nicolaas P. "Russia, the Dutch Far Right, and the Politics of World War II Remembrance." New Fascism Syllabus, July 7, 2022. |
Publications, Essays |
Historiography, History, International Studies, Jewish Studies, West European |
Mengist, Nathanael Elias, Mariama Sidibe, Heidi Biggs, Tyler Fox, Phillip Thurtle, and Audrey Desjardins. "World building: Creating alternate worlds as meaningful making in undergraduate education." Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education 20, no. 1 (2021): 29-47. |
Publications, Essays |
Education |
Lucero, José Antonio. "“To Articulate Ourselves”: Trans-Indigenous Reflections on Film and Politics in Amazonia." Native American and Indigenous Studies, vol. 7 no. 2, 2020, p. 1-28. Project MUSE |
Publications, Essays |
Film/Cinema, History, Indigenous, Intellectual History, Latin American, Media Studies, Politics of Representation, Social Justice, Visual Culture |
Mengist, Nat. "Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women by Silvia Federici." Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 15, no. 1 (2020): 152-155. |
Publications, Essays |
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies |
Barr, Nicolaas P. "Using Jewish history to combat anti-Muslim discrimination in the Netherlands: Rabbi Lody van de Kamp." Stroum Center for Jewish Studies, University of Washington. October 11, 2019. |
Publications, Essays |
Critical Race Theory, Jewish Studies, Public Scholarship, Race and Ethnicity, Religion, Translation and Interpretation, West European |
Kevin Y. Kim, “Against the ‘American Century,’ Toward a Third World New Left: The Case of Helen Mears,” Diplomatic History 43 (January 2019): 130–56. |
Publications, Essays |
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Global and Transnational Studies, Intellectual History |
Kevin Y. Kim, “From Century of the Common Man to Yellow Peril: Anti-Racism, Empire, and U.S. Global Power in Henry A. Wallace’s Quest for Cold War Alternatives,” Pacific Historical Review 87, no. 3 (Summer 2018): 405–38. |
Publications, Essays |
American, Autobiography, Biography, and Life Writing, Intellectual History, Politics of Representation, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity, Social Change |
Kevin Y. Kim, “Empire, War, Globalization, and Korean America in Global and Transnational Perspectives,” in Companion to Korean American Studies, ed. Rachael Miyung Joo and Shelley Sang-Hee Lee (Leiden: Brill, 2018), 47–76. |
Publications, Essays |
Asian American, Diaspora Studies, East Asian, International Studies, Korean, Postcolonial |
Barr Clingan, Nick. "White Innocence and the Dutch Elections." The Nation, March 14, 2017. |
Publications, Essays |
Politics of Representation, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity, Social Justice, West European |
Sparke, Matthew, 2017, “Globalization,” an entry for The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, edited by Douglas Richardson et al, forthcoming from Wiley. |
Publications, Essays |
American, Economics, Political Economy, Politics of Representation |
Bessner, Daniel and Sparke, Matthew, 2017, “Nazism, Neoliberalism and the Trumpist Challenge to Democracy,” Environment and Planning A. |
Publications, Essays |
Critical Theory, Economics, Jewish Studies, Political Economy, Political Science, Social Justice |
Sparke, Matthew, 2017, "Austerity and the embodiment of neoliberalism as ill-health: Towards a theory of biological sub-citizenship," Social Science & Medicine, |
Publications, Essays |
Global and Transnational Studies, Medicine, Political Economy |
Sparke, Matthew, 2016, "Situated Cyborg Knowledge In Not So Borderless Online Global Education:Mapping the Geosocial Landscape of a MOOC," Geopolitics |
Publications, Essays |
Critical Theory, Digital Humanities, Education, Global and Transnational Studies |
Mitchell, Katharyne and Sparke, Matthew, 2016, “The New Washington Consensus: Millennial Philanthropy and the Making of Global Market Subjects,” Antipode 48: 3. 724 –749 |
Publications, Essays |
American, Community, Critical Theory, Economics, Political Economy |
Barr, Nicolaas. "Freud, Said, and the Question of Jewish Identity after the Holocaust." Stroum Center for Jewish Studies, University of Washington. May 4, 2016. |
Publications, Essays |
Community, Critical Theory, Intellectual History, Jewish Studies |
Barr Clingan, Nicolaas P. "We Democrats." Roundtable review of Greenberg, Udi, The Weimar Century: German Émigrés and the Ideological Foundations of the Cold War. Introduction by Samuel Moyn and reply by Udi Greenberg. H-Diplo Roundtable Reviews XVII, no. 2 (2015), 16-20. |
Publications, Essays |
20th Century, German, Intellectual History |
Barr Clingan, Nicolaas P. "Adorno, Celan, and the Dictum against Poetry after Auschwitz." CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly 62, no. 1 (Winter 2015): 8-22. |
Publications, Essays |
Critical Theory, German, Intellectual History, Jewish Studies |
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. “Encounters with Interculturalidad: (Un)Learning Indigeneity and Decolonizing Knowledge in the Andes.” Chapter in Indian Subjects: New Directions in the History of Indigenous Education, Brian Klopotek and Brenda Child, eds. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press. |
Publications, Essays |
Anthropology, Indigenous, Latin American |
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. Culinary Fusion and Colonialism: A Critical Look at the Peruvian Food Boom. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Fall 2014. |
Publications, Essays |
Indigenous, Latin American, Race and Ethnicity |
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. “Encounters with Interculturalidad: (Un)Learning Indigeneity and Decolonizing Knowledge in the Andes.” Chapter in Indian Subjects: New Directions in the History of Indigenous Education, Brian Klopotek and Brenda Child, eds. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press. |
Publications, Essays |
Indigenous, Latin American, Race and Ethnicity |
Harris, K. 2014. Review of Marx's Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism, by Peter Hudis. For Antipode. |
Publications, Essays |
Critical Theory, Economics, Philosophy, Political Science |
Harris, K. 2014. Review of Deleuze and Research Methodologies, edited by Rebecca Coleman and Jessica Ringrose. For Emotion, Space and Society. |
Publications, Essays |
Critical Theory, Education, Philosophy, Urban Studies |
Gilge, C. and Harris, K. Review of Mark Bonta and John Protevi's Deleuze and Geophilosophy: A Guide and Glossary. Foucault Studies (forthcoming Spring 2014). |
Publications, Essays |
Critical Theory, Philosophy, Urban Studies |
Maria Elena Garcia. 2013. “The Taste of Conquest: Colonialism, Cosmopolitics, and the Dark Side of Peru’s Gastronomic Boom.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Vol. 18 (3): 505-524. |
Publications, Essays |
Anthropology, Indigenous, Latin American |
Maria Elena Garcia. 2013. “The Taste of Conquest: Colonialism, Cosmopolitics, and the Dark Side of Peru’s Gastronomic Boom.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Vol. 18 (3): 505-524. |
Publications, Essays |
Animal Studies, Indigenous, Latin American, Race and Ethnicity |