CHID Internships

CHID began offering CHID 399: Internship for students interested in the opportunity to integrate theory with practice while making connections to organizations outside of the University. Depending on the site and the assignments designed by the student in consultation with the faculty advisor and academic advisor for the internship, CHID 399 may count towards their Ideas in the World or Local/Global Engagements major requirement.

While the work that students do at their internship sites should be interesting and engaging, the bulk of their grade will be based on the quality of the academic project they design and complete in tandem with this internship. Because of this, CHID 399 can be taken for either numerical credit or CR/NC.

Learning Goals

  • To develop an understanding of the history and culture of the internship organization.
  • To be constructively and actively engaged with the internship organization.
  • To consciously reflect on the connections between the student’s educational experience/content/goals and the student’s experience with the internship.

Details and Logistics

  • To register for CHID 399, students must do the following:
    • Identify an internship site - you can choose among CHID's internship partner organizations (PDF) or select an organization of your own and we can assist you in creating a new partnership.
    • Identify an on-campus faculty advisor
    • Complete the CHID 399 Internship Learning Contract (PDF).
    • Submit the completed CHID 399 Internship Learning Contract (PDF) to the CHID advisor before the start of the quarter.
    • Students may only take 5 credits of CHID 399 in any single quarter
    • Students are expected to spend 10 hours/week working at internship site (or 100 hours total over the 10-week quarter). Failure to complete the full 100 hours of internship work will result in a failing grade. If extreme, extenuating circumstances arise that prevent the student from completing this commitment, the student must contact their site supervisor and faculty advisor immediately.
    • Students are expected to spend 5 hours/week on related academic project
    • Final grade will be based on the following:
      • 70% final project
      • 15% site supervisor evaluation
      • 15% student self-evaluation