The Cultural Legacy of Padova, Venice, Verona, Florence, and Rome

Padova, Venice, Verona, Florence, Rome, Italy

Next Offered
Spring 2013
Approximate Dates of Instruction
Application Deadline

Learn about the rich history and culture of Italy through in-depth visits to some of its most iconic sites. Classes will cover both Italian Renaissance history and foundational philosophical ideas that inform the study of Italy's development.

  • Florence: The Cradle of the European Renaissance (5 credits)
  • Gift and Sacrifice (5 credits)
  • General Orientation to Padova and Italy (2 credits)
  • Independent Study (2-3 credits)
Total Program Fees

*Please note that this does not include UW Study Abroad (IPE) Fee ($300), airfare (about $1500, subject to when and where you buy your ticket), food (about $35/day), Study Abroad Insurance ($37/month) and personal spending money.

Make sure to read our Fees, Financing, and Withdrawal page for information on paying for your trip.