
A published book, essay, chapter, edition, anthology, translation, or study.

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Lucero, José Antonio. "“To Articulate Ourselves”: Trans-Indigenous Reflections on Film and Politics in Amazonia." Native American and Indigenous Studies, vol. 7 no. 2, 2020, p. 1-28. Project MUSE Publications, Essays
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. “Encounters with Interculturalidad: (Un)Learning Indigeneity and Decolonizing Knowledge in the Andes.” Chapter in Indian Subjects:  New Directions in the History of Indigenous Education, Brian Klopotek and Brenda Child, eds. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press.  Publications, Essays
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. Culinary Fusion and Colonialism: A Critical Look at the Peruvian Food Boom. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Fall 2014.  Publications, Essays
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. “Encounters with Interculturalidad: (Un)Learning Indigeneity and Decolonizing Knowledge in the Andes.” Chapter in Indian Subjects:  New Directions in the History of Indigenous Education, Brian Klopotek and Brenda Child, eds. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press.  Publications, Essays
Maria Elena Garcia. 2013. “The Taste of Conquest: Colonialism, Cosmopolitics, and the Dark Side of Peru’s Gastronomic Boom.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Vol. 18 (3): 505-524. Publications, Essays
Maria Elena Garcia. 2013. “The Taste of Conquest: Colonialism, Cosmopolitics, and the Dark Side of Peru’s Gastronomic Boom.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Vol. 18 (3): 505-524. Publications, Essays
García, María E. and José Antonio Lucero. “Exceptional Others: Politicians, Rottweilers, and Alterity in the 2006 Peruvian Elections.” In “Indigenous Encounters: Race, Place, and Gender in Contemporary Peru,” Special issue of Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies. 3.3 (2010): 253-270. Publications, Essays
García, María E. Los Desafíos de la Interculturalidad: educación, desarrollo, e identidades indígenas en el Perú. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2008 Publications, Books
García, María E., Ed. Indigenous Encounters: Race, Place, and Gender in Contemporary Peru. Special issue of Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies. 3.3 (2008). Publications
García, María E. and José Antonio Lucero. “In the Shadows of Success: Indigenous Politics in Peru and Ecuador.” Highland Indians and the State in Modern Ecuador. Eds., Marc Becker and Kim Clark. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press (2007): 234-24. Publications, Essays
2005. Making Indigenous Citizens: Identity, Development, and Multicultural Activism in Peru. Stanford:StanfordUniversity Press. Publications, Books
García, María E. Making Indigenous Citizens: Identities, Education, and Multicultural Development in Peru. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 2005. Publications, Books