Critical Animal Studies

The Crit­i­cal Ani­mal Stud­ies Work­ing Group

The Crit­i­cal Ani­mal Stud­ies Work­ing Group is a col­lab­o­ra­tion of stu­dents, fac­ulty mem­bers and staff at the Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton. Our mis­sion is to expand, enrich, and cre­ate new spaces for the pub­lic dis­cus­sion over the place of non-human ani­mals in soci­ety. Though our group is located at the UW and com­mit­ted to bring­ing animal-related ques­tions to var­i­ous units across cam­pus, we have a broad notion of com­mu­nity which guides our efforts to develop con­nec­tions with com­mu­nity orga­ni­za­tions, activists, and intellectuals.

Status of Research
Research Type