
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Phillip Thurtle, "Losing My Wings: Supernatural Fables of Development", Laboratory of Critical Technics, Arizona State University. Publications, Film/Video
Net Art Aesthetics Publications, Film/Video
Careers: From a Path to a Landscape: Philip Thurtle at TEDxUofW Publications, Film/Video
Phillip Thurtle, "What Superheroes are Made of", TEDxRanier, 2012 Publications, Film/Video
Phillip Thurtle, "Manufacturing Horticultural Novelties: Variance and Standardization in the Production and Marketing of Luther Burbank's Creations", June, 2011, Yale University Publications, Film/Video
Phillip Thurle, "Supernaturalisms: The Magical Naturalism of Contemporary Media", June 6, 2009 --- Critical Digital Studies Workshops, Pacific Centre for Technology and Culture, University of Victoria Publications, Film/Video
Claudia X. Valdes and Phillip Thurtle, "Mutations and Metamorphoses", at the Mutamorphosis Conference, Prague, Czech Republic Publications, Film/Video
Mitchell, Robert, Helen Burgess, and Phillip Thurtle. Biofutures: Owning Body Parts and Information. Philadelphia, Pa: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008. DVD. Publications, Film/Video