Olympic Peninsula Co-Director

Contact Information
M.Ed., Education Policy, University of Washington, 2016
B.A., Comparative History of Ideas, University of Washington, 2015
Nathanael Elias Mengist (his/hers) returns as a proud CHID alum and former staff member to pursue a PhD in Human[ities] Centered Design and Engineering at the UW Seattle campus.
Nat is serving as the new Director of Learning + Change with the art & agriculture-driven non-profit, The Common Acre, while coaching leaders in anti-racist governance through his independent consultancy, FLOWERBOI FACILITATIONS, LLC. He also co-organizes the Another Worldly Energies Symposium on Metaphysical Enterprises and is a member/pillar of Inquilab.
Nat has publications pending with the magazine Logic, the blog Paracultures, and the forthcoming edited volume The Anthropocene Laboratory.