CHID Newsletter: Spring 2023 Edition

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Greetings from the Comparative History of Ideas! As the days get longer, we are all feeling the spirit of renewal very much in the air!  I write these words just as we have marked our first “in-person” CHID thesis presentations in a very long time. What a gift it was to be able to share the same room and safely breathe the same air (literally conspiring) with an incredible group of students and thesis seminar instructors Annie Dwyer and Nick Barr. Our students presented amazing… Read more
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Returning to travel (again) By Nick Barr At the time of this writing, I’m getting ready to step onto a plane for the first time since the pandemic began. I vividly recall sitting in a meeting at the UW Study Abroad office in March 2020 when the World Health Organization officially declared a global pandemic; we had no idea then how much things would change in our small corner of the world, let alone beyond it. I doubt we have fully reckoned with it yet. To make a long story… Read more
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Interview by Sophia Choto   SC: Please tell us your name. TR: My name is Tisbe Rinehart, my pronouns are she/they. SC: And you’re a CHID student who’s part of our RSO? TR: Yes! SC: Please tell me more about that. TR: The idea kind of happened during the end of last quarter. Right now we're in the process of forming our officer team, getting it established, etc. We are officially an established RSO, which is very exciting. This is the largest project we're working on this… Read more
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We had a lot of fun Winter quarter! This course is designed to introduce students to the CHID program—its philosophies, themes, intellectual and social stakes, general structure, faculty, staff, and student community. It’s constellated around guest speakers, readings, and class discussions. We collaborated with our partners at the Burke Museum, the Career Center, and the Office of Merit and Scholarships. Some of the questions we asked together throughout the quarter were:  Read more
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By Sophia Choto Another year, another round of episodes of CHID’s Convos in the Office. Started back in 2021, our podcast series has evolved into a free-form conversation exploring the minds of our talented students, staff, and faculty. Although kickstarting the project and its direction has been a journey (given the uncertainties we face during the latter half of the 2021-22 school year), we came back this year with energy, enthusiasm, and better production (thanks for allowing me to produce… Read more
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By: Marthadina Russell Today’s Feature: DJINN by Tofik Dibi, translated by Nicolaas Barr A page-turning memoir at the crossroads of sexual, cultural and religious identity    I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t typically jump at opportunities to read non-fiction, let alone any sort of biographical writing. I’m the kind of girl who prefers to linger in the fantasy section of a given bookshop. Biographies, to me, have always felt like homework, filled with tedious details… Read more