CHID Newsletter: Autumn 2021 Edition

by Phillip Thurtle This last year challenged CHID unlike any year I’ve ever experienced. Together, we navigated a global pandemic, exacerbated social inequities, an economic slump, and the loss of human contact. Due to the care, hard work, and daily sacrifices of those within the department, CHID has remained the dynamic center for interdisciplinary thought that drew me to the program 20 years ago. In a future “Letter from the Chair,” I will return to talk about the department’s… Read more
Arriving from the depths of Southern California, Sophia Choto waltzes into the Emerald City as a soft ray of sunshine (or so they’ve been told). With a background in TV & Radio, She wishes to use her new media expertise to continue promoting a sense of community within CHID. Sophia Choto was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. In retrospect, growing up in Koreatown near Rampart Village was key to Sophia’s early childhood development, especially considering the history associated… Read more
Q: Hello Dr. Anu! Please tell us about your book Beyond Guilt Trips. A: Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World uses storytelling andreflection to invite readers to consider their travel from the lens of identity, race,difference and social justice. These are, of course, big and sometimes intimidatingtopics, and can inspire equally big and intimidating feelings in us. My book helpsreaders understand and navigate these feelings in a friendly and… Read more
Introducing our first CHID podcast: Convos in the Office! Every few weeks, Chair of CHID Phillip Thurtle & Outreach Coordinator Lenan Choto discuss various topics leading to philosophical insights, thought revelations and catharsis. This is an exciting time for CHID and we hope everyone enjoys the future of our content. Links can be found below: SpotifyRead more
Over the course of the past two years, a number of our CHID Staff & Faculty have hadmajor book releases: CHID Professor Dr. María Elena García explored the intersections of race, species andcapital to reveal links between gastronomy and violence in Peru in Gastropoliticsand the Specter of Race: Stories of Capital, Culture, and Coloniality inPeru. CHID Professor Dr. Anu Taranath examined thought-provoking questions on travel inBeyond Guilt Trips: Mindful… Read more
Sophia CareyLast year, CHID major Sophia Carey was selected for the Beinecke scholarship. The Beinecke Scholarship offers 20 scholarships to undergraduates who intend to pursue a master’s or doctoral program in the arts, humanities or social sciences. Sophia was the first UW student to receive this award since 2011. Lindsey MuszkiewiczLast year, graduating CHID senior Lindsey Muszkiewicz won the Humanities Dean’s Medal, the highest honor for any graduating student in the humanities.