My scholarship focuses on contemporary capitalism and ways of working. I am particularly interested in how race and class are revisited and remade in sites of new economy work, such as coding and software economies. I investigate how post-genomic racial imaginaries inform popular conceptions of person, population, and proclivity. I am currently completing a book manuscript called 'Encoding Race, Encoding Class: Indian IT workers in Berlin'. This book tells the story of short-term coders from India who sought work in Germany under a temporary visa program called the German Green Card. I investigate how their middle class aspirations both are made possible by and are stymied by the regimes of racialized labor that greet them as temporary programmers. My aim in this book is, in part, to re-materialize what has thusfar been called an immaterial economy. I have another project researching the politics of infant and baby sleep in the United States. This project emerges out of my ongoing interest in understanding how the future is lived in the present, and in the ways that subjectivities are formed against a horizon of uncertainty. Finally, I am developing new work on gendered violence in post-liberalization India. An article I wrote on this subject titled 'Moving Rape: trafficking in the violence of Postliberalization' is forthcoming in the journal Public Culture in April 2015.