Alwyn Mouton's focus group created a series of images to showcase their experiences this last Autumn Quarter. You can read more about Alwyn's work with the focus group in this article in The Daily.
Transcript for “What do you like about zines?” (question posed in center of page)
From top-bottom, then left-right, with images described in brackets
All text/image is in markers in shades of pink and purple
The infinite forms they can take… content, design, etc. [heart with squiggles around it]
[penguin with tophat and cane]
[4 small hearts]
Because zines are self-published, it inspires me to be confident in work I produce because it is my own opinion. HOPE I CAN PUBLISH SOMETHING!
A much-needed breath of fresh air
[drawing of a pair of cherries] Zines are the cherry on top of the sundae
Zee haw! [in large letters with action marks]
Zines are super creative ways of self expression! It also costs less money to buy [written in wiggly style]
[beside picture of animal, unclear species] is it a dog or a cat? We’ll never know…
[within a drawing of an unknown creature, somewhat sheeplike] I love having little capsules of someone’s ideas! & I like being able to collect & share them.
[heart] The feeling put into them
[excited face with jester hands] the creativity & individuality of each one; tangible memories
[organic-looking squiggles] everything…
Transcript for “What do you like about this focus group?” (question posed in center of page)
From top-bottom, then left-right, with images described in brackets
All text/image is in markers in shades of blue and green with one in peach
[with leaf design around it, sprouts growing at bottom] Being able to do fun art activities together! Raw creativity can be hard to tap into otherwise.
Creativity as a medium of learning!
[Cup of tea with plant designs and swirls emanating from the top which say: warm! Nice! Cute! Cozy!] This class is …dare I say… my CUP OF TEA!
It’s super peaceful and allows me to create [smiley face] – something sorely missing in other classes [frowny face]
The community! (we’re all just pals reading zines y’know?)
[in cloud] brightens all my cloudy days [closed eyes smiley face]
I love that the main task about this group is to visit places and look at zines. It has also inspired me to make zines for all my other classes.
Reading together on the couch [drawing of couch with arrow pointing to it from words: cozy couch] and talking about our favorite zines
[smiling face with arrow pointing to it from text saying: our faces]
Blueberries [four small blueberries]
Small setting to have/share intimate discussions & look @ so many cool zines!! [heart]
Transcript for “What have you learned?” (question posed in center of page)
From top-bottom, then left-right, with images described in brackets
All text/image is in markers in shades of yellow, orange, and red
A zine can be anything you want it to be!!!
I have learned to be more confident in my creative pursuits. Zines are for everyone!!!
Self [daisy] luv
Zines are super cool and are a way to express unfiltered ideas on topics people try to censor. OR they also make you feel warm and fuzzy in their unapologetic depiction of life, among other things.
[fruit with spots and leaf]
[four turtles, one sleeping, one with a speech bubble containing “bugs” and another with “water”]
Creating small, quiet, creative spaces MATTERS!
[in many colors and different letter sizes, surrounded by little flowers] That anyone can make Zines
[little heart] much love
[with two stars around it] zine making is a unique experience for everyone & anyone can do it!!
[heart with eyes, wings, and antennae] College’s format of expressing ideas can often be very restrictive. I could have never imagined the possibility of few loose papers be something so creative & informative. In times of Instagram posts & Academic journals, zines are the medium I never knew I needed.
[bird head singing “ZINES!”]
Author Page
Oliver Dube Ig: U19kars_h
Sam Cordy; CHID, Linguistics, Plant-based disaster
Alwyn Merry Mouton
Annie Dahl, CHID + GWSS
Lola; English Lit Major, GWSS minor, she/her @dietcherrylola