Victoria Lawson is Professor of Geography, co-founder of the Relational Poverty Network (with Sarah Elwood); Past-President of the Association of American Geographers (AAG); Marsha Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award winner; former Chair of the Department of Geography at the University of Washington, and committed teacher. Her work draws on critical poverty studies and feminist care ethics to collaborate in building alternative understandings of impoverishment and social alliances to address inequality. She has recently published Encountering Poverty: Space, class and poverty politics. Antipode 46(1) 2014 with Sarah Elwood; the Progress Handbook of Human Geography. R. Lee (lead editor), Castree, N. Lawson, V.,Paasi, A., Philo, C., Roberts, S., Radcliffe, S., and Withers, C., (Eds.) London:Sage. 2014; De-centering Poverty Studies: middle class alliances and the social construction of poverty, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 2010 with the Middle Class Poverty Politics Research Group; and ‘Dumping grounds and unseen grounds: placing race, ethnicity and poverty in the American Northwest’ Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100(3) with Lucy Jarosz and Anne Bonds.