Sara Gonzalez

Assistant Professor, Anthropology

Contact Information

DEN 139


Curriculum Vitae (157.09 KB)

Sara Gon­za­lez is an assis­tant pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­sity of Wash­ing­ton, Seat­tle where she is devel­op­ing a local pro­gram in community-based archae­ol­ogy and explor­ing the inter­sec­tions of dig­i­tal media and tribal his­tor­i­cal preser­va­tion. Prior this appoint­ment she was a Scholar-in-Residence fel­low in the Depart­ment of Soci­ol­ogy & Anthro­pol­ogy at Car­leton Col­lege and a Chris­t­ian A. John­son Fel­low in the Depart­ment of Anthro­pol­ogy at Vas­sar Col­lege. She received her doc­tor­ate from the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley Depart­ment of Anthro­pol­ogy in 2011. An archae­ol­o­gist by train­ing, her cur­rent research inter­ests include the archae­ol­ogy of colo­nial­ism, com­mu­nity and pub­lic archae­ol­ogy, Indige­nous and fem­i­nist archae­ol­ogy, and his­tor­i­cal archae­ol­ogy.
