I am an anthropologist and historian of Southeast Asia with specific research and teaching interests in illness and healing cultures, space/place, colonial and postcolonial studies, intellectual histories, and speculative approaches. I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology and a CLIP fellow at the Department of Comparative History of Ideas, University of Washington. My research agenda comprises two grant-winning projects: a) a dissertation that explores how immunity, in its broadest sense, traveled across time and place through colonial and religious institutions and was compromised by local actors, identities, and practices in Indonesia; b) an archival project on the Javanese shadow play (wayang) that follows the life and work of a wayang master Tristuti Rachmadi who was exiled for 14 years and banned from performing for another 20 years in post-1965 Indonesia. I have published articles in Global Public Health (2020) and an edited volume on the history of medicine in Indonesia (National University of Singapore Press, forthcoming).