Winter CHID Senior Thesis Presentations This Wednesday!

Submitted by Sophia Choto on

Please join us next Wednesday, March 6, 1:30-4:30 PM in Condon Hall 101 for the Winter 2024 CHID Senior Thesis Project presentations! You are welcome to join us for one or all of these amazing panels. This event is open to the public.

Presentation Schedule

1:30 Welcome

Panel 1 (1:35-2:25): Reimagining Identities Through Storytelling 

•    Karsten Lomax, “Tell Me Who You Are: A Multimedia Inquiry of Gender Binaries and Queer Potentials”
•    Al Wagner, “Golem: Remoulding Modern Jewish Identity”
•    Maya Zigler, “Obit: A play about how middle school is hell, and everyone should know about it”

Panel 2 (2:30-3:20): Violence and the Work of Memory

•    Anabella Hartwich, “The Dark Tourist’s Guide to Memory: A Study of Villa Grimaldi Peace Park” 
•    Yubita Jimenez, “The Construction of Heathens: Spanish Conquistadors’ Distortion of Mexica Human Sacrifice”
•    Ryan Mills, “Labor as Planetary Praxis in the Age of Climate Crisis”

Panel 3 (3:30-4:20): Cultures of Embodiment and Resistance

•    Cyrus Eosphoros, “Human Eyes, Demon Dicks, and the Victorian Soul: Nailing Down Heteronormative Imagery, Ambiguous Consent, and Personal Autonomy in a Queer Erotic Webcomic”
•    Markus Teuton, “Tradition With Innovation: Urban Indigenous Music and The Battle Against Colonialism”
•    Luke Thomas-Canfield, “Aging With Joy: Lessons From Elder Dance Therapy”

We hope to see you there!
