TEDActive Takeover!
The What
TEDActive 2013: is a conference made up of a curated community of 700 curious and energetic leaders who share an immersive week of TEDTalks and surprising experiences designed to inspire conversation, exchange and immediate action around ideas worth spreading. CHID has been asked to send an “intern” to the conference (held in Palm Springs) who will take the work we produce here at UW to the larger TED community. Our representative is CHID student Brian Beardsley and he will be working with
TEDActive from 2/25-3/1.
The conference will be focused on four “Projects”:
- Impact: How do you measure the impact of good?
- Lifehack: What is your life hack?
- Local: How do you express local?
- Mobile: How will mobile technology change in the future?
TED Takeover creates an opportunity for active local participation in the TEDActive Conference. CHID has been asked to work on the four projects defined above and to send our work to the big conference with Brian.
You can check out the website explaining this here:
The When
So we have 2 weeks to get our ideas together, to create new projects, and to package them up for sharing starting on February 25th! So we need to be DONE by Sunday, February 24!
Our plan so far:
Friday, February 8:
- Noon: everyone who wants in on this should gather in the CHID office for Pizza & Planning. We will discuss the topics and split into groups. After this meeting, the groups should meet individually and figure out a schedule and work plan and some preliminary ideas for what they would like to accomplish.
- 5PM: Groups shall rendezvous back in the CHID office for more snacks and beverages as we share our ideas and plans.
Weekend, February 9 & 10:
- CHID will have someone in the office from at least 1-5pm both days. We will have snacks to keep you all fueled as you work as well as love and enthusiasm to keep you motivated and energized.
The Expectations for CHID:
A short (60 second or less) or less video that we could share onsite at Active.
No deliverables per se, but we would like to see pictures/blog posts/videos of all the action as it happens, and of course, you'll need to figure out a creative way to share your group's project onsite at
TEDActive (some teams have made Tshirts that they'll give out sharing their best ideas, some are hosting small discussions about the projects onsite...) possibilities are endless, just make sure UW is interacting with all four projects in some way.