CHID's International Programs Change Lives

Submitted by Phillip S Thurtle on

Matt Lutton went to Bosnia/Croatia/Serbia with Norman Wacker and CHID in Spring 2007. He now lives in Belgrade and often helps Norman with guest lecturing and coordinating the program. Matt has developed a thriving career as a photojournalist who administers a very popular blog (which you can access here). Norman describes Matt's work as "intriguing" and "visually striking" photographs "informed by a sustained narrative vision of the region. . . there is no question [Matt's] narrative . . . shadows and influences the narratives CHID emphasizes--the many signs of headway and recovery that can't usually penetrate the stereotypical representations of the region." Norman continues: "Matt is becoming a great story of someone who really crafted a place in the world from his time at the Daily, in CHID and after." Thank you Matt and Norman for your continuing work.
