The 2016 Presidential Election has been staggering for many, particularly those who have been targeted by Trump's campaign: people who are Muslim, Black, Mexican, Latinx, Asian, Native, women, queer, trans, immigrant, or any permutation thereof. Many of these people have noted, however, that the violence and hatred that emerged in the past election is not fundamentally new. In response, this space seeks to examine how the Trump campaign succeeded, how deep-seated these systems of violence are, and to brainstorm modes of resistance.
I intend for this group to be a space for intersectional thinkers, scholars, and activists to use theory and history as praxis for the future. Though I have proposed an abridged list of readings from collaboratively developed syllabi (including the Trump 2.0 Syllabus, Standing Rock Syllabus, and BlackLivesMatter Syllabus), we can cover whichever readings are most useful for group members. Regardless of the content, I hope that we can think both nationally and transnationally, recognizing that Trump’s rise to power has implications not just on those living in the U.S., but also those internationally and First Nations people who inhabit North America.