CHID Department Guidelines

For Faculty and Staff.

ABSENCES FROM SCHEDULED CLASS MEETINGS BY INSTRUCTOR: In case of last minute problems, please contact the Main Office at 206-543-7333, so a notice of cancellation of the course can be posted. In event of prolonged absence, please contact the Chair.

COPY MACHINES: The CHID copy machine is shared with GWSS and is for departmental use only. It is located in PDL B110B.

COPYRIGHT LAW: Except under certain special conditions, written permission of the copyright holder must be obtained for duplication of any copyrighted material for class use.  Please contact Marthadina Russell for more details.

DEPARTMENT PHONES: Telephones are provided by the Department only for official business. DO NOT make personal long-distance telephone calls from a department telephone.

FAX MACHINE: A departmental FAX machine (206-543-7400) is provided for University-related business in the advising office, PDL B102D. Please contact Marthadina Russell or Cynthia Anderson for the assistance. 

KEYS: All keys for CHID are obtained from the CHID Main Office (PDL B102).

MAIL: Each CHID faculty, graduate student instructor, and staff is assigned a mailbox, located in PDL B102.
Incoming: Mail is delivered once a day to Padelford Hall's mail room. Staff distributes mail to departmental mailboxes within one business day.
Outgoing: The Department will pay for outgoing mail associated with your CHID business-related activities. The mail may be left in the wooden box on top of the mailboxes in the Main Office (PDL B102).

MAIN OFFICE (PDL B102): The Main Office in Padelford B102, is staffed Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

PADELFORD HALL: Outside doors are unlocked from 7 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m., Saturday, and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. The building is locked on holidays. Custodial Services is responsible for locking/unlocking the doors at the appropriate times.

PARKING PERMITS: Parking permit applications are available at Parking Services.

PAYROLL INFORMATION: University payroll schedules run on three-month cycles as follows:

Autumn Quarter: 9/16 to 12/15
Winter Quarter: 12/16 to 3/15
Spring Quarter: 3/16 to 6/15
Summer Quarter: 6/16 to 8/15 (two-month cycle since instruction is shorter)

You will be paid twice a month, on the 10th and 25th of each month (or the work day closes to these calendar dates) for which you are employed. For work performed between the 16th and the 30th/31st of the month, your paycheck will be issued on the 25th of the same month. For a calendar of paydays, see

We URGE everyone to sign up for Direct Deposit. The form is now online and can be located under the "Employee Self Service" link in MyUW. If you complete the form, this allows the UW to deposit your salary directly in your bank account. It usually takes two pay cycles (about four weeks) before your direct deposit will go into effect. Click on the "Employee Self Service" link in MyUW to track your earnings.

Until your direct deposit goes into effect, or if you elect not to use direct deposit, you may pick up your paycheck after 10:30 a.m. on payday from the Main Office. Note that you must sign for your check.

See Marthadina Russell if you have additional questions about payroll.


PRIVACY ACT: Posting of grades and other public disclosure of student performance is a violation of individual rights under the Privacy Act of 1974.  Do not post any items that contain student names or complete student numbers or social security numbers.

SECURITY: All offices and computer rooms should be locked when unoccupied. Valuables such as purses, wallets and other valuables should be on your person or locked securely. The University assumes no liability for loss of personal property, including your mail.  Any unusual circumstances such as broken windows, lost or stolen property, and presence of suspicious individuals should be reported as soon as possible to the University Police, 9-911, and Marthadina Russell.

SMOKING: Smoking is banned in all University buildings.

SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT POLICY: Most software available for use on computers at the University of Washington is protected by Federal copyright laws. Educational institutions are not exempt from the laws covering copyrights. In addition, software is normally protected by a license agreement between the purchaser and the software seller. The software provided through the University for use by faculty, staff, and students may only be used on computing equipment as specified in the various software licenses.
It is the policy of the University to respect the copyright protection given by Federal law to software owners. It is against University policy for faculty, staff, and students to copy or reproduce any licensed software on University computing equipment, except as expressly permitted by the specific software license. Also, faculty, staff, and students may not use unauthorized copies of software on University-owned computers or on personal computers housed in University facilities. Unauthorized use of software is regarded as a serious matter and any such use is without the consent of the University of Washington.  For more information please visit


  1. All assistant professors, teaching professors, lecturers, and TAs must submit all courses to student evaluations.
  2. Associate professors must submit two courses per academic year to evaluation.
  3. Full professors must submit one course per academic year to student evaluation.