
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Kevin Y. Kim, “From Century of the Common Man to Yellow Peril: Anti-Racism, Empire, and U.S. Global Power in Henry A. Wallace’s Quest for Cold War Alternatives,” Pacific Historical Review 87, no. 3 (Summer 2018): 405–38. Publications, Essays
Lucero, José Antonio. "“To Articulate Ourselves”: Trans-Indigenous Reflections on Film and Politics in Amazonia." Native American and Indigenous Studies, vol. 7 no. 2, 2020, p. 1-28. Project MUSE Publications, Essays
Maria Elena Garcia. 2013. “The Taste of Conquest: Colonialism, Cosmopolitics, and the Dark Side of Peru’s Gastronomic Boom.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Vol. 18 (3): 505-524. Publications, Essays
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. Culinary Fusion and Colonialism: A Critical Look at the Peruvian Food Boom. ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Fall 2014.  Publications, Essays
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. “Encounters with Interculturalidad: (Un)Learning Indigeneity and Decolonizing Knowledge in the Andes.” Chapter in Indian Subjects:  New Directions in the History of Indigenous Education, Brian Klopotek and Brenda Child, eds. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press.  Publications, Essays
Maria Elena Garcia. 2013. “The Taste of Conquest: Colonialism, Cosmopolitics, and the Dark Side of Peru’s Gastronomic Boom.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Vol. 18 (3): 505-524. Publications, Essays
Maria Elena Garcia. 2014. “Encounters with Interculturalidad: (Un)Learning Indigeneity and Decolonizing Knowledge in the Andes.” Chapter in Indian Subjects:  New Directions in the History of Indigenous Education, Brian Klopotek and Brenda Child, eds. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press.  Publications, Essays
Peloff, Amy R. and David Giles. “‘I Have a Theory’: Using Fandom to Invigorate the Classroom.” In Fan Phenomena: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Bristol, UK: Intellect (forthcoming). Publications, Essays
Phillip Thurtle, “The Poetics of Life: Luther Burbank, Horticultural Novelties, and the Space of Heredity” Literature and Medicine, Vol. 26, no. 1, Spring 2007:  1-24. Publications, Essays
Sparke, Matthew, 2017, "Austerity and the embodiment of neoliberalism as ill-health: Towards a theory of biological sub-citizenship," Social Science & Medicine, Publications, Essays
Toews, John E. "Intellectual History After the Linguistic Turn: the Autonomy of Meaning and the Irreducibility of Experience." American Historical Review. 92.4 (1987). Publications, Essays
Toews, John E. "Refashioning the Masculine Subject in Early Modernism: Narratives of Self-Dissolution and Self-Construction in Psychoanalysis and Literature, 1900-1914." Modernism/modernity. 4.1 (1997): 31-67. Publications, Essays
Toews, John E. "Songs of Experience: Modern American and European Variations on a Universal Theme." American Historical Review. 111.1 (2006). Publications, Essays
Toews, John E. "Thinking Historically When the Margins Become the Center: Intellectual History As Historical Critique in Martin Jay's Essays from the Edge." History & Theory. 51.3 (2012). Publications, Essays
Trainor, Sebastian. “Loië Fuller and the Coercive Moral Force of Colored Light: Modernity, Eternity, and the Folies-Bergère.” (Chapter in) Women in the Arts in the Belle Epoque: Essays on Influential Artists, Writers and Performers. London: McFarland & Co., 2012. 97-117. Publications, Essays
Trainor, Sebastian. “Rachilde’s Supermale of Letters and the Invention of the Ubu Roi Riot.” Text and Presentation (2012): 92-108. Publications, Essays
Trainor, Sebastian. “‘It Sounds Too Much Like Comrade’: The Preservation of American Ideals in Room Service.” Journal of American Drama and Theater 20.2 (2008): 29-48. Publications, Essays
“’The Acme Novelty Library’: Comicbooks, Repetition, and the Return of the New,” Co-authored with Robert Mitchell, Configurations, Vol. 15, 2007, 267-297 (actually published in March 2009). Publications, Essays